the lads

Cooking up a good weekend
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Author:  Ninger [ Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Cooking up a good weekend

Take 1 helping of doc, joan and ninger,
add three tickets for wwe smackdown in the rds,
measure out 500g of scorching sunshine and pat spillane in the seat behind you,
yell woooooooooo!! approx 45 times,
do the heidenreich power shuffle,
mix about ten pints of stella and one empty stomach til closing time, follow that with half a stone of eddie rockets at 2am,
add a smidgen of being thrown out of the 24 hour centra in rathmines for shouting woooooo at the security man (crimewatch here we come :wink: ),
stew in bed for 10-12hours,
get up, sweat a lot,
go to batman and drink two litres of water and hey presto,
a good weekend had by all.

Author:  shortword [ Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

mine was less fun.

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