the lads

Quiet down liver, its only vodka
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Author:  jimmy [ Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Quiet down liver, its only vodka

well, i went for a snifter of port last night in the company of a Sys Admin and a blood sucking Solicitor. Thats right, Paul Kelly and Kevin Morgan.

Dinn RĂ­ for the dinner, living good this week, eh kelly boy? Pity i cant seem to stop teh wallet from running away screaming!!

Had 3 bottles of miller each with the dinner, i had the Prawns, quite good.

Onto scraggs, grandest!! Drinkin miller like it was going out of fashion, but then came up against the No1 problem of the enthusiastic bottled beer drinker. The re-stock. Of warm beer.

I asked for cold miller, i was presented with warm miller. Actually i am mistaken. On his way to the bottle opener i called the barman ("Hey john, 'mere"). I asked him for cold bottles, he said they were cold bottles, i felt said bottles, burned my hand, looked away and pointed at upper firdge. Barman wasnt happy, but i was happy with my cold miller. Git

Anyway, we went onto the Barracks, where i had a bottle of miller, with an umbrella in it!! sweet!!

Paul went home (clever bastard) Me and kevin stayed on, discussing varios socio-philosophical issues ("Will ya check out the gauul on dat one") while drinking vodka soda limes and vodka & cranberry.

Needless to say im as productive as a blind lemming today.

Author:  Ninger [ Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

kelly will ya ever give up the going home early tatics??
mon :wink:

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