the lads

Bacon & Cabbage Weekend
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Author:  jimmy [ Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Bacon & Cabbage Weekend

Well, i survived, despite my body failing me on Saturday night (damn fragile liver and stomach!!)

Friday: Lou drove up, i gave directions, badly, got lost at least once i think. Got to Diarmuids, nice place. Then went to McSwiggans. Also a nice place, but big, and feckin all over the place!! there was much introducing and the like, then the Smitzer man showed up, and there was much rejoicing!! Congrats lad, 1.1 MA degree, now go get a job!!

After the pub it was time to hit the nightclub, eh, though i cant off the top of my head remember which one, it was pretty good. The barmaid was cool, had a great laugh at Joe trying to pour lime into his glass, but miscalculating and pouring it all over the counter, while looking around, trying to be cool!! Num-nuts!!

Saturday: Body not feeling well. Not well at all. Wasnt much in the mood for movement, but around 1pm there was a decision to head for town. Went to Taffs, then onto Naughtons (i think, Schlapps, little help here). I was not well. Was not able to finish the pint bottle in the second pub, so we moved on, to, eh, Massimo i think. Nice place. Joe met us, as did Fiona and Smitzer, and a few of diarmuids friends. I had a 7up. Stomach was not up for it at all lads, not at all.

Half way through the 7up, after much jesting from my peers, i decided that i had enough soft-cock drinks and went for a Stella. GRRRR

Had a great laugh in Massimo. Got a phone call from he rest of the bunch, we were going to meet them in the LivingRoom.

Bored typing, will finish it later, or someone else can

Author:  jimmy [ Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, Part 2:

So we went to the living room. Nice place, not too many people in it (that changed quickly) and up we went into a nice corner of the place. But by jesus was the place warm!!

Anyway, the drinking started in earnest. Hmm, whats that weird rumbling, or, its my stomach, i dont remember eating glass, quiet down stomach, let me get back to killing you with beer.

Nope, it wasnt having any of it. I even had a few Rennies, that sorted out the pain, but then i had a mouthful of beer, that came right back up, but i caught it in my mouth (ugghh, not gorgeous). So i abandonded the beer, went for the Vodka. That was fine. For a while.

Anyway, after the Living room we went to Halo, nice club, pity i didnt last more than ten minutes. Almost as soon as i had got my drink, my stomach gave out, and i started getting real tired. Decided not to provide any photo opportunities, so i went home!!

Got home, the couch was never so inviting. Curled up, nice!! then got rudely awakened by poking in my head. Someone wanted some of the couch. I wasnt happy, but was sleepy, and therefore easily convinced.

Bacon and Cabbage event review
Location(s): 9
Food: 9
Company: 9
Craic: 11


Author:  schlaps [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

After all the training Jim has put in over the last months with drinking,when it came to the big events, Like Sonia O'Sullivan, he crumbled under the pressure. And received no major medals for the weekend.

So much so, that during his "7-up" period of the evening, not only could he not remember what he was talking about, he then couldnt even remember the word "mental block".

                                James Phelan

                     16th of May 1981 - 26th November 2005

               A loving son, a bishop impersonator, ornithologist,
            lover of "art" films, and best handle bar moustache 2005.


Author:  jimmy [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its true, i did consume half a glass of seven up.

Then i saw the light. I believe my words were along the lines of: "Fuck this soft cock stuff, give me a stella" and a stella i got!!

Author:  Ninger [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

that's the way 2man it up jim :lol:

Author:  lou [ Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

                                James Phelan

                     16th of May 1981 - 26th November 2005

               A loving son, a bishop impersonator, ornithologist,
            lover of "art" films, and best handle bar moustache 2005.



You forgot "Est'd 1995"!!

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