the lads

Love Sydney, Hate Employers
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Author:  jimmy [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Love Sydney, Hate Employers

Bstrds, cant get a single whure to hire me. Feckin holiday visa. So, we need a solution, so im applying for residency. Hope the feck i gets it now, gonna be expensive though, but i dont care.

Appart from that, hmm lets see, Cat is still feeling the effects of the weekend, very long weekend.

We bought a new TV, only $190, sweet, and bought an ex-rental fridge, 220l for $275. Not bad, at least we can now buy food and keep it for longer than a day, and milk, oh how i miss milk. I havent had a pint of milk since leaving Ireland, and i miss it so. My bones are gone all rubbery, i can scratch the middle of my back with my toes!!

Beano is working his arse off, fair play to the lad. Myself and cat are in the same boat, pretty much. Need a job to get a visa, and a visa to get a job. Feckin nackers. Anyway, atleast we have the time to get the apartment and the bills and stuff sorted....not gorgeous :cry:

L8rs y'all

Safety First

Author:  shortword [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:15 am ]
Post subject: 

em had a question for ya jim. it has slipped ... oh no wait.

what vid vodec are ya using on those vids? the sound works, but the vid shits itself.


Author:  smythmark [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Anyone know how to make an image of jimmy scratching his back with his toes go away :shock: ? Substantial reward.

Author:  jimmy [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:10 am ]
Post subject: 

i used xvid,

i have it in the description now

Author:  Ninger [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

mmmm jimmy scrathing his back with his toes.

enduring image, although its a far cry from small boys, in loughboy, stolen car radios for goal posts!!

man u should go buskin in one of your safety first guises, u cud be like the oz version of the naked cowboy lad over in new york.

btw smyth, we might have a free room coming up in our gaff d end of d month if ur looking, will let u know.

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