the lads

The internet is available on computers now....
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Author:  jimmy [ Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  The internet is available on computers now....

So, Eircom have finally gotten off their ass and un-bundled the local exchange in fair old Graignamanagh!! Miracles will never cease!!

So i have various thoughts and musings now. The setup of Web-cams in the pubs, a decent web-site for the town, people in the town actually using the fecking web!! My mind is a whirl of thought, like glowing transient nodes trapped in he great whirl-pool of the universe.....

Author:  Ninger [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

sugguestions for these website

The setup of Web-cams in the pubs

a decent web-site for the town
"wonder how much aine chambers' appearance fee is??"

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