the lads

Easter Weekend
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Author:  jimmy [ Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Easter Weekend

Well i can tell you one thing for damn certain, there was no fasting nor sacrifice over the weekend gone, but there was a resurrection or two, at least one miracle. Also, there was, in my opinion, an accension into heaven (or at least a welcome return to singledom) for Coady.

It was hectic, it was manic, it was cracked, it was Easter weekend in graignamanagh. Bloody hell lads, but things were a bit mad.

There was people breaking up all over the place, there was others getting together

There was foundation laid for a house, but the roofer wasnt up to the job (fell asleep, and it wasnt me!!)

There was a conversation between a PhD holder and a deaf electronic engineer at 2am, debating various methods of explaining Kirchoff's Law.

There was a new sport added to the Special Olympics, the brand new mobile phone toss, over a bridge, and into the river!!

There was chanting of "Trooper, Perry, play Trooper"

There was a lack of sleep on some fronts

There was breakfasts, brunches and lunches

There was pints, chinese, whisky and vodka

There was one hell of a weekend.

There was Graignamanagh...

Author:  Ninger [ Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

There was foundation laid for a house, but the roofer wasnt up to the job (fell asleep, and it wasnt me!!)

i've said it before and i'll say it again, "solid useless!!".
yeah it was a good weekend all round, roll on friday, cam on :twisted:

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