the lads

Theory of Existence
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Author:  jimmy [ Wed May 02, 2007 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Theory of Existence

Big Bang -> coallescence of gasses to form planetary bodies -> first particles of life -> evolution -> primordial goop -> evolution -> dinosaurs (rarrgh) -> more evolution -> mammals (squeek, scratch, apply for dole) -> more evolution ->Flintstones (WILMAAA!!) -> yet more evolution -> modern man (drawing the dole) -> evolution -> writing (Ross O'Carroll Kelly?) -> devolution -> religion -> stagnant period -> middle ages (have at thee) -> evolution -> da interweb & mobiles -> immediate devolution -> lol GG FTW ->return to primordial goop


Author:  Ninger [ Wed May 02, 2007 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

we are all only alive cos chuck norris says so.
it is a dead issue.

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