why did the 2fm discos stop? was it all the fights or wat was the story there? they're a bit of a blur to me seen as i slept through one or two of them in my time
a beach party in november would be class, falling up the new road in a pair of speedos in -5 weather and getting the week of work with pneumonia, bring it on i say.
as for soccer in the basketball court, the only "running" the lads seem to do these days involves having eaten a dodgy curry a few hours previous
beano, i was serious that day when i was on about me and you buying the anchor, would love to own that thing and re-open it, make a proper fucking pub out if, knock into the place beside it as well and turn it into an off licence, we'd be minted in no time. dutch gold would be the growth indsustry in graigue and we could have dorfmeister on tap for coady.
I'm not even supposed to be here today.