the lads

My heart will be in a different home when i get back
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Author:  beano [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  My heart will be in a different home when i get back

Well lads and ladies (ladies ladies), mam and dad have just bought a house in st mullins and they're gettin the hell out of dublin. Looks like there's gonna be some mental sessions in blanchfields down the bottom of the hill when i get back. It's really great for them and a far better way of life and i'm just so happy for them.

Author:  Ninger [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice one beano, wish em the best of luck with their move from me, i'd say they're well chuffed 2b moving

Author:  joanne [ Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  bye bye

hey hon,
give michelle my love, go out and get scuttered tonite do ya hear me. :cry: :wink:

Author:  Doc_Ho [ Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  whhoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

like the new look Joanne.... Drooooolllllllll.......

Hey Beano the trendy pub to go to now is in Glynn.. called Ghandi's.
was there last week checking out the local sheep to see if they needed some shearing. not a bad spot for a pub in the middle of nowhere and full of Co. Wexlow people

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